Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Key Health For Life

When you're sick, you will see a doctor. Of course, the doctor will give you medicine. Your medication in the hope that you will be healthy again. Here's how the health service now, a cycle of diagnosis and preskrepsi.

You've heard it before but I will repeat it. Prevention is better than cure. But you may not pay attention to him. However, if you look more closely the recommendations of doctors, it will lead to the conclusion that they really want to detect a disease earlier. Try to think about. Think that the real meaning of prevention is a valid arrest.

The first step towards better health to realize that your body needs care. The second thing is to get information. It is hard to keep your body if you do not know anything about it. How can you fight an enemy if you do not understand why and how does it work?

Did you know that each of us is equipped with defensive systems that could protect ourselves from any disease? This complex system given to us by the Creator, known as the body's immune system. Immune system to work at any time without stopping for protect ourselves from attack various micro-organisms that can cause various diseases. The attacks come not only from outside but from within our own bodies. Every day we are faced with attacks from micro-organisms are composed of millions of bacteria, hundreds of thousands of species of fungi, parasites and 130 more over two thousand types of viruses. Apart from that there are more than two hundred types of cancer cells, and each of us is exposed
to attack. Thus in every moment of our lives, what separates us is immune to death. Recurrent infections or chronic infections, even colds are signs of weakened immune systems had begun. Did you also know that our immune system becomes weak when we are growing old? Factors that weaken the immune system include insufficient rest, stress, processed foods, modern agriculture (food missing nutrients), chemicals in the environment (pesticides, weeds). Strengthen the immune system is an important step to build a defense system to fight disease and reduce the possibility of getting a fever, flu, diabetes or cancer, etc..

The immune system is not functioning properly, either over-or under-reaction, can lead to various diseases. For example, over-reaction to a threat from within can lead to diseases classified as auto-immune diseases such as diabetes type 1, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus and multiple slerosis. Under-reaction to a threat from within can lead to diseases such as cancer, HIV, hepatitis and herpes. Over-reaction to external threats may lead to diseases such as allergic rhinitis category, asthma, eczema and sinusitis. Reduced response to external threats may lead to infection.

Strengthening the immune system is the best investment for a longer life and health throughout life. Many believe that a balanced diet can help us to maintain health. What do you really know about a balanced diet?

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Ginseng Supplements

Ginseng is a popular hub - as well as the United States, however, is literally around the world.Most of the fact that, as an almost mystical powerful natural herbal assignment is proving particularly popular. In ancient times, ginseng was called "man root". This is basically true because the root resembled that of male characters either. The mystery of faith and a profound effect on the body think that the fact that since it looks like the human body is the root and the pool was opened, it will be beneficial to the body. Now, a lot of important information for you to gather ginseng. 

Several other properties of ginseng attractive herb for the body to determine.
 First, the anti - inflammatory properties are included. Who complications, such as arthritis pain, personal example, is very attractive. It is also anti - oxidation is the body. In that fight infections that can affect the body fight many diseases and serves as a powerful means. In their different kinds of immune problems and cancer in a way that complements a number of ways using ginseng or ginseng drink made by the intake can benefit individuals suffering - like ginseng tea or other beverages.

Many of these elements that ginseng improves mental alertness and endurance appread to be affective. Because of this natural substance is often used similar products associated with energy drinks.
 Ginseng to combat fatigue and improve is a major side-effects. However, the respiratory ginseng, iron levels in the body that are directly related to the physical condition associated with several types of combat and its direct impact and the body's metabolism-related. 

Ginseng supplements in a bottle, or can be bought can be purchased as addictive. It is often soups, stews, creating a wide variety of cars and other products based on the liquid is used.Occurred in the culture of food in China, that, and even the South Koreans in their belief that the spread of these substances to increase productivity in Asia with Ginseng in immunity, energy levels, stimulates the mind and body, and numerous other methods. Many American food, basic salads and desserts as you enjoy the strong flavor of ingredients and health benefits associated with it because they started. If you are a versatile natural herbs for optimal taste and health.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Outlook of the ginseng nutrition

Ginseng supplements

Almanac nutritionists think that ginseng strengthens the nervous system and heart. Ginseng also can build a healthy body both mentally and physically as well as enhance the ability of immune system to strengthen and intensify an endocrine gland that can regulate the physiology of the human body, including vitamin and mineral metabolism.

Russian researchers think ginseng can normalize the pressure in the arteries and vessels to be effective in treating hypertension and hipotensi.

In Korea, ginseng has become as natural products in the Research Institute of Seoul National University and the healing of cancer and diabetes at the Korea Cancer Center Hospital There are some medical experts believe the west is not the function of ginseng because there is no evidence to indicate functions sainstifik ginseng. They maintained that ginseng can only supply excess power to the people and no medical value.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Processing Ginseng in Korea

Processing of ginseng in Korea is through a variety of ways, and it produces the type of ginseng is different. In Korea, ginseng roots are dug from the ground called the watery ginseng or su-sam and it will be processed to be white ginseng roots (PAC-sam), yellow root ginseng (Hwang-sam), and red ginseng root (Hong-sam) .

The root of ginseng and white ginseng are produced with rind watery or su-sam. After su-sam peeled or steamed, it will be dried under the hot sun or drying on a charcoal fire or in the oven when the weather permitted.
Yellow root ginseng produced a watery peel ginseng (su-sam). After su-sam will be peeled or steamed under the hot sun dried or dried over a charcoal fire or in the oven when the weather permitted.
Korean Ginseng Con 50 Grams

Red ginseng root is produced by su-sam menguapi for 3-4 hours. Subsequently, the ginseng root will dry didehidrosikan in space, then baked in the hot sun. With the steaming process is true, ginseng can withstand long storage time without experiencing a decrease nutritional value.
Korean red ginseng is monopolized by government and society are forbidden to sell memperbanyakkannya. Korean ginseng production is through human hands and high-technology and carried out carefully to ensure that ginseng produced is of high quality. Results ginseng korean red ginseng will be exported mainly to Japan, Southeast Asia and Europe with various products.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Types of ginseng commercialized (ginseng supplements)

Ginseng Supplements

Chinese and Korean ginseng plants known as Panax ginseng. Both are derived from ancestors who grow crops in Manchuria. Because ginseng production in Korea is a commercial and a great promotion, but Korean ginseng is known to the world until the Korean ginseng is known as a country. In addition, Korean ginseng is more nutritious because there was forged as Chinese ginseng. In China, ginseng is often forged by the root sh-shen (Adenophora verticillta) and chi-ni (A.remotifolia). 
Korean and Chinese ginseng is widely used to produce new products such as honey, ginseng, ginseng extract, ginseng porridge, pills, capsules and tablets, ginseng, ginseng tea and ginseng drink alcohol. In addition, ginseng is also presented as a tonic like ginseng in the wine (in-sam-ju), ginseng chicken essence, eoncentrate ginseng and ginseng vitamin-mineral combination that has become the most popular products. 
Japanese ginseng also known as Panax japanica where the stem is very similar to Chinese ginseng roots, but more like the roots of bamboo and a more bitter taste. 
Japanese ginseng is often used as a cough and antidemam, as a tonic for recovery vitalitas cheaper than Chinese ginseng. At present, Japan is not limited the use of ginseng in umbinya but also its fruit. This is because the contents of ginsenosides in umbinya only 10% while the content of ginsenosides in the fruit is 80%. Ginseng fruit pulp can be processed in the form of coated tablets or permer by kakao. 
In addition, there are American ginseng (Panax quinquefolium) containing panaquilin referred to as 'sang' in the United States. Root extract in the United States 'sang' is used as an adaptogen to allow the organs of the body to function normally.

Ginseng Supplements

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Types of ginseng (ginseng supplements)

Ginseng supplements

In general, ginseng can be divided into two zones, namely the growth of the United States and parts of Asia. American ginseng is known as American ginseng or Panax quinquefolium L. in While ginseng in Asia known as the Asiatic ginseng, or Panax ginseng.

Asiatic ginseng commonly grows in Northern China and North Korea. Panax ginseng is red because ginseng is processed and dried in secret by the growers and ginseng seekers.Panax ginseng is said to heat the human body due to the belief of the Chinese concept of Yin-Yang of the opinion that everything in the universe exists in opposite pairs.

American ginseng can usually be found in Southern Ontario to Georgia and Wisconsi.American ginseng is white. Ginsenosider content in American ginseng was higher than Asian ginseng. So it is said to have medicinal value higher. American ginseng is said to be cooling the human body.

 In addition, there are also some of the ginseng that had we heard such as ginseng or Eleutherococcus Serbian seticosis. In fact Serbian ginseng Panax ginseng is not a kind because there is no relationship between Serbian ginseng genus of American ginseng and Asiatic ginseng. Serbian ginesenosides but ginseng does not contain a compound similar to the function and ginseng ginesenosides is often found in Russia, China and Japan.

Ginseng supplements

Monday, May 3, 2010

Ginseng Contents

Ginseng Supplements

Ginseng is a type of grass that is known around the world. It can be proved by many food products, beverages and cosmetics on the market that moves the world contains ginseng. The most valuable part of a ginseng root that is shaped like the human body. Ginseng root contains 16 types of 'ginesenasida, triester, panaxtriol, carbohydrates, cellulose, minerals, and others that can activate the hormonal glands and regulates the function of the brain and body.

In the 1960s, researchers from Moscow and Tokyo have found a compound in ginseng, and they called it terpenidol glycosides. They also conducted an experiment to inject these compounds into the body of rats. The results of this study showed that rats stood erect, but no relationship with passionate sex in rats. Instead they found that this compound can provide more energy to the rats. The researchers could detect this compound consisting of sugar molecules and the molecules' terponoid. Actually 'terponoid' is a hormone found in plants, similar to the hormones in animals. After that,. 'Terponoid glycosides' was named' ginesenosides which allows ginseng is known as the 'medicine of all diseases'. 

In addition, there is another solution found by the researchers in the ginseng root, which is a compound panaxosid gilikosida saponin. Through experiments, it was found that compounds ofrodisiakum panaxosid not encourage sexual passion.

Ginseng Supplements 

Physical Structure And Growth of Ginseng (ginseng supplements)

Ginseng Supplements

Ginseng is a plant long-lived and can grow to hundreds of years. Ginseng is not only need adequate rainfall and daily temperature difference is large, but also requires four different seasons. Type of land most suitable for the cultivation of ginseng is a sandy loam soil. Normally the natural habitat in the valley, ginseng is a steep ravine and take shelter in a thick forest.

Physically, the body ginseng is short and the whole body embedded in the ground. A mature ginseng has five leaves on the handle. Ginseng flowers in spring and flowers the flowers are colored gray. Ginseng is converted into clusters of dark red fruits in late summer. Body ginseng root is a hundred percent of the yellow light and the roots are branched and long.

Korean Ginseng is a perennial plant that grows in every season and stems and leaves fall in autumn. At that time, Rhizome ginseng roots will grow with your head and this is an important process for forming high quality ginseng. Rhizome ginseng has a large head with ginseng korean ginseng distinguish other. Harvest will be done after the ginseng grown for 4-6 years. After six years, ginseng will continue to grow and develop into perfect when having two heads and reach 7-21 inches in size.

Ginseng Supplements

Friday, April 30, 2010

Advantages of combination of vitamins and ginseng (Ginseng Supplements)

Ginseng supplements

Body to obtain important nutrients from food intake. If food intake is a healthy and balanced, the body of course get the better nutrient supply. In other words, healthy body and mind more influenced by diet and life style.

However, because the pattern of diet and modern lifestyle that is often difficult for us to obtain sufficient nutrients for optimum health. Therefore, the nutrients in the form of supplements provide an alternative to the public to obtain enough nutrients to complete the requirements of the body.

Variety of nutrients needed to maintain optimal body health. Which supplements can be tried on a combination of vitamins, Ginseng, and minerals.

Vitamin B group vitamins such as for example, required body metabolism of carbohydrates, protein and fat effectively and to control blood cholesterol, and at the same time provide nutrients to brain cells. It is also necessary for healthy nerves, liver and protects the heart. Other important nutrients such as alpha acids lipoik (ALA) also functions as a 'cofactor' to several enzymes that catalyze the chain of energy metabolism in cells. Thus, the alpha acid can help to relieve chronic fatigue syndrome with increasing energy.

Ginseng is an adaptogen that can help improve physical and mental endurance. It is also useful in enhancing immune to stress, anxiety and fatigue. Studies have shown that a combination of multivitamin and extracts and ginseng can help the quality of life, especially among those with frequent fatigue and stress. Formulation of this combination can be practiced as a daily supplement.
Ginseng supplements 

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Use And Benefit of Ginseng (Ginseng Supplements)

Ginseng Supplements

Ginseng is used to enhance human physical and mental endurance, increase energy, stabilize the physiology of the body, lowers cholesterol and prevent cancer. In addition, the traditional role of ginseng are increasing sexual harmony. Ginseng strengthens the physical body to fight exhaustion. Studies show that regular use of ginseng benefit to Alzheimer's disease (a disease memory loss / amnesia), dealing with diabetes (lower blood sugar in the body), to overcome the problem of aging (aging), strengthens the immune system and others. Here are the details about the benefits of ginseng:

Reduce the stress of life
Previous studies and continue to present evidence effectively ginseng helps the body overcome stress in life. In studies done at laboratories in Korea, Russia, Bulgaria, North America and London, using mice as experimental rats showed that the pressure will defer more if given regular doses of ginseng. Book titled "Ginseng, The Magical Herb of the East", written by Stephen Fulder, said shortly ginseng allow a person under pressure to return to normal more quickly. Chinese and Korean researchers found that the positive effects of ginseng on the adrenal glands and the activity of mind.

Stress, vitality and resilience

In the 1980s, several researchers from the University of California found that ginseng can improve the efficiency of energy production in the body. In addition, ginseng is found to stabilize the speed of metabolism by promoting the digestion of food, produce energy from food to digest and eliminate toxins in the human body. Ginsenosides content in ginseng improve the nervous system in the human body with more blood flow to the brain and activates neurotransmitters in the brain.

Ginseng shown positive effects in the cardiovascular system and central nervous system. According Fulder, ginseng use China as a way to stabilize blood pressure after a sudden heart attack. Doctors from Russia and Germany also consider ginseng effective to reduce high blood pressure. The contents of ginseng as ginserosides, triester, panaxatrial can manage people with low blood pressure, cholesterol, stimulate the nervous system and tonic. In addition, American ginseng is believed to be more effective than Asian ginseng Yin with a view down the level of cholesterol in the human body. According to studies done by researchers at the University of Wisconsin, they found that American ginseng is the most effective ingredients to reduce cholesterol in the body of animals.

Strengthening the immune system
Fulder have to experiment to give the animals to eat ginseng. After that, he was inject animals with bacteria that can cause disease. The results showed that the animals stay healthy. This has proved that ginseng strengthens the body resistance. In Japan, researchers found that ginseng strengthens the immune system by strengthening white blood cells that act as antibody immunity to all microorganisms that invade our bodies. Ginseng increased white blood cells by stimulating production of white blood cells in bone marrow.

To treat cancer
Found that ginseng can protect the body from the effects as well as drugs and radiation therapy for cancer treatment process (radioactive radiation used to kill cancer cells). The Korean and Russian researchers showed that patients take the prescribed dosage of ginseng is able to withstand the increased use of anti-cancer drugs. The scientists make the experiment as follows:

Rats given ginseng succeeded in reducing the level of chlorohydrate, drugs and alcohol in his body aches. The scientists also found that mice heal more quickly and transmitted by X-ray, which hold strengths two-fold. In addition, rats injected with more than survive the poison, bacteria and drugs anti-cancer.

Because ginseng is effective to create a healthy metabolic system and clean, so it can cure diabetes. Diabetes is a blood sugar imbalance. Ginseng can improve blood sugar levels when the body because of the lack of an injection of glucose on insulin hormone. On the other hand, if the rate of sugar in the body of animals increased dramatically ginseng can decrease it. This is the function of ginseng as a balanced level of glucose in the body. However, it should be noted that the ginseng drugs only work as an assistant and not as a substitute for drugs.

Add a harmony of husband and wife
Ginseng has been proven to successfully increase male sexual potency. The researchers found that ginseng contains substances that stimulate certain sex hormones increase in activity at once added strength in carrying out the responsibilities of men as husbands. In Russia, doctors found that ginseng can cure patients suffering from infertility problems. In addition, ginseng is also effective for women to increase their regular menstrual cycle at the time.


Ginseng is generally slow the aging process that produces a healthy blood flow. Ginseng is effective to prevent heart disease and removes fatigue. Thus, ginseng can be considered as a stimulant that can be used safely and continuously. In ancient China as early Shang Dynasty, people realized at the time of using ginseng to reduce pain in joints called arthritis. 
Ginseng Supplements

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

What is Ginseng (Ginseng Supplements)

Introduction of Ginseng
Ginseng is derived from the schin seng, fork-zine, or low-shen, which means that the human body. This is because equality of the roots with the human body. In addition, ginseng is also known as 'Green Gold' due to the expensive price. Ginseng is the Latin or scientific name Panax read by botanists. Panax in Latin means a perfect cure for all diseases (Cure all). Panax is derived from the family Araliaceae, and has close links with famali Panacea. Apart from the Chinese, the local people of North America (Native North American) ginseng is also used in medicine. There are many natural ginseng, or more commonly known as wild ginseng that grows in the North American continent and is known as Panax quinquefolium.

Physical Structure And Habitat of Ginseng 
 Ginseng is a long-lived plants that can grow to hundreds of years. Herbal body is short and the whole body embedded in the ground. Normally the natural habitat in the valley, ginseng is a steep ravine and take shelter in the dense forest. A mature ginseng has five leaves on the handle. Ginseng flowers every spring. Ginseng flowers gray and it will turn into clusters of dark red fruit in late summer. Ginseng will continue to grow until its size reached 7-21 inches. Body ginseng roots are 100% bright yellow. Ginseng roots are branched and long.

Ginseng Contents
 The most valuable part of a ginseng root that is shaped like the human body. Ginseng root contains 16 types of 'ginesenasida, triester, panaxtriol, carbohydrates, cellulose, minerals, and others that can activate the hormonal glands and regulates the function of the brain and body. In the 1960s, researchers in Moscow and Tokyo found a compound in ginseng, and they named it as' terpenidol glycosides. They conducted an experiment with mice in the study found that the compound is able to supply more energy to the rats. Researchers to detect compounds that consist of sugar molecules and the molecules' terpenoids. 'Terpenoids' is a hormone found in plants, similar to the hormones in animals. Later, terpenodol glycosides were named as' ginesenosides. 'Ginesenosides "role of a ginseng is known as' drugs of all diseases."

Types of Ginseng
American ginseng is said to be cooling the body to fight the Asiatic ginseng that will warm the body is due to the belief of the Chinese principle of polarity is concerned with the Yin Yang. American ginseng contains ginsenosides which is higher than the Asiatic ginseng is said to have medicinal value higher. However, there is some kind of Asiatic ginsenosides contained in ginseng are not found in American ginseng.

Ginseng Supplements