Ginseng Supplements
Chinese and Korean ginseng plants known as Panax ginseng. Both are derived from ancestors who grow crops in Manchuria. Because ginseng production in Korea is a commercial and a great promotion, but Korean ginseng is known to the world until the Korean ginseng is known as a country. In addition, Korean ginseng is more nutritious because there was forged as Chinese ginseng. In China, ginseng is often forged by the root sh-shen (Adenophora verticillta) and chi-ni (A.remotifolia).
Korean and Chinese ginseng is widely used to produce new products such as honey, ginseng, ginseng extract, ginseng porridge, pills, capsules and tablets, ginseng, ginseng tea and ginseng drink alcohol. In addition, ginseng is also presented as a tonic like ginseng in the wine (in-sam-ju), ginseng chicken essence, eoncentrate ginseng and ginseng vitamin-mineral combination that has become the most popular products.
Japanese ginseng also known as Panax japanica where the stem is very similar to Chinese ginseng roots, but more like the roots of bamboo and a more bitter taste. Japanese ginseng is often used as a cough and antidemam, as a tonic for recovery vitalitas cheaper than Chinese ginseng. At present, Japan is not limited the use of ginseng in umbinya but also its fruit. This is because the contents of ginsenosides in umbinya only 10% while the content of ginsenosides in the fruit is 80%. Ginseng fruit pulp can be processed in the form of coated tablets or permer by kakao.
Japanese ginseng also known as Panax japanica where the stem is very similar to Chinese ginseng roots, but more like the roots of bamboo and a more bitter taste. Japanese ginseng is often used as a cough and antidemam, as a tonic for recovery vitalitas cheaper than Chinese ginseng. At present, Japan is not limited the use of ginseng in umbinya but also its fruit. This is because the contents of ginsenosides in umbinya only 10% while the content of ginsenosides in the fruit is 80%. Ginseng fruit pulp can be processed in the form of coated tablets or permer by kakao.
In addition, there are American ginseng (Panax quinquefolium) containing panaquilin referred to as 'sang' in the United States. Root extract in the United States 'sang' is used as an adaptogen to allow the organs of the body to function normally.
Ginseng Supplements