Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Types of ginseng (ginseng supplements)

Ginseng supplements

In general, ginseng can be divided into two zones, namely the growth of the United States and parts of Asia. American ginseng is known as American ginseng or Panax quinquefolium L. in While ginseng in Asia known as the Asiatic ginseng, or Panax ginseng.

Asiatic ginseng commonly grows in Northern China and North Korea. Panax ginseng is red because ginseng is processed and dried in secret by the growers and ginseng seekers.Panax ginseng is said to heat the human body due to the belief of the Chinese concept of Yin-Yang of the opinion that everything in the universe exists in opposite pairs.

American ginseng can usually be found in Southern Ontario to Georgia and Wisconsi.American ginseng is white. Ginsenosider content in American ginseng was higher than Asian ginseng. So it is said to have medicinal value higher. American ginseng is said to be cooling the human body.

 In addition, there are also some of the ginseng that had we heard such as ginseng or Eleutherococcus Serbian seticosis. In fact Serbian ginseng Panax ginseng is not a kind because there is no relationship between Serbian ginseng genus of American ginseng and Asiatic ginseng. Serbian ginesenosides but ginseng does not contain a compound similar to the function and ginseng ginesenosides is often found in Russia, China and Japan.

Ginseng supplements

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