Ginseng Supplements
Ginseng is a type of grass that is known around the world. It can be proved by many food products, beverages and cosmetics on the market that moves the world contains ginseng. The most valuable part of a ginseng root that is shaped like the human body. Ginseng root contains 16 types of 'ginesenasida, triester, panaxtriol, carbohydrates, cellulose, minerals, and others that can activate the hormonal glands and regulates the function of the brain and body.
In the 1960s, researchers from Moscow and Tokyo have found a compound in ginseng, and they called it terpenidol glycosides. They also conducted an experiment to inject these compounds into the body of rats. The results of this study showed that rats stood erect, but no relationship with passionate sex in rats. Instead they found that this compound can provide more energy to the rats. The researchers could detect this compound consisting of sugar molecules and the molecules' terponoid. Actually 'terponoid' is a hormone found in plants, similar to the hormones in animals. After that,. 'Terponoid glycosides' was named' ginesenosides which allows ginseng is known as the 'medicine of all diseases'.
In addition, there is another solution found by the researchers in the ginseng root, which is a compound panaxosid gilikosida saponin. Through experiments, it was found that compounds ofrodisiakum panaxosid not encourage sexual passion.
Ginseng Supplements
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